(complete trial 1, fail trial 2, complete trial 3, say that there was a flaw in trial 3 and say you were kidding. Good luck on the extra hard math question >:))
So I played this game for I guess long enough to say that there are so far no jumpscares in the game, thought this might help someone like me who gets scared easily.
But if there are any jumpscares in any part of the game that I may have not found out yet please tell me
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Narrator Kill Count (see my comment in a simple survey)
oh this is the best i can do
(complete trial 1, fail trial 2, complete trial 3, say that there was a flaw in trial 3 and say you were kidding. Good luck on the extra hard math question >:))
i am MEH
trying so hard to get the True Hero ending but can't find it 😭😭😭😭 I've found the cheat button but can't figure out how to use itttttt
idk about the cheat button but i looked through comments and thats not how you get it (i think)
Thank you! I'm sure I'll get it some day...
i got the pest ending but i didn't meet the prerequisites to get it
I’m playing on mobile and don’t have arrow keys, or wasd. And can’t do the second ball trial :(
I also can’t type for the math problem, but I can at least still progress the game there.
Though I suppose it wasn’t made with mobile in mind
he killed me lmaooo
It's been two hours this was the farthest I got. Currently dying internally, 10/10 game.
you could actually use those two hours NOT pressing the start button
I am mediocre.
somehow I got the second one first try lol
I think I broke the game guys :)
uHM yes (hehe git trolled oxcorp)
so the smiley just grows huge and stops growing at a point and nothing happens beyond that? Kind of underwhelming for such a threatening little smiley
So I played this game for I guess long enough to say that there are so far no jumpscares in the game, thought this might help someone like me who gets scared easily.
But if there are any jumpscares in any part of the game that I may have not found out yet please tell me
I'm crying, I died in the one where you click the wrong thing about the picture... it was just a dude with their thumbs up
mediocre :(
whats this?
cries in PEMDAS (the math question)
*cries aswell*
i hate it Please Excuse My Dumb Autistic Self
Dare oppose me, mortal?
im sub-bar heh
whats wrong with the third image?!
it looks normal?
edit: okay you just click outside of it i guess
im a cheater lol
I'm A star (not really) hahaha
u solved the math questions
I completed the 1st trial with 2.59 seconds.
ya but I got it 2000000000th try
it said i am a sloth.
now it said i am in need of a better memory
I got "a mind reader" ending lol
you are an idiot
ah haha ha ha ha haaaa ah hahahaha
the screen is black for me
Its not. I beat it, but only once
i am the chosen one
i beat it
more than once
i have defeated that first trial
I beat it soooo many times because I wanted to get the time thing right
Most of the game: eh, thats wrong but I will let it slideug
Enough questions wrong: y o u s u c k e d
this game ist sehr gut though
woher kam das Deutsch auf einamal? lol
How did you do that?! I've been looking so hard for that ending!
Sorry, I don't remember, it was so long ago
It's alright, I'm sure I'll figure it out eventually. Thank you for responding to my question. I sincerely appreciate it.