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Hehehe 2880 

Really fun I managed to get a score of 1460 while constantly getting ones

Hello ben. I played the game and it's really good and fun but I got issue, the enemy spawning is really randomly wherever the player is, 

I think you can fix it so the enemy couldn't spawn anywhere close to the player position.

However the game mechanics is great and the pixelated interface are the best and thank you<3  

720. I got stuck next to a block and couldn't move. I get that it is a Game Jam game so won't be updated, but except from that glitch, very good, smooth gameplay :)

Love how the nam sounds like the jam name

1030! Played once before reading the instructions and I didn't get the slow-motion thingy, however I had a nice time playing

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There is a kernel of something interesting at the core. Once I read the instructions and could understand what is happening, I was able to get into a bit of a groove.

It would be nice for first players to have some sort of play tutorial so they understand the game without having to read.

I noticed I could shoot through enemies while they "phase in". It would be great if you could make the distinction between partly phased-in enemies and fully phased-in enemies much more clear.

The alpha blend had me guessing, and I was frequently wrong. I spent ammo on enemies I couldn't hit.

I got a high score of 750!

pretty good for a donut lol

Just wanted to know, Is there a pause feature?


2770 ! Fun game I like it and the bomb is a nice addition too, Thanks BenBonk!

I got a score of 69


420. Pretty nice score if you ask me

660! Simple but fun. The bomb makes movement much more useful. Nice job :D


I don't like the idea of time slowing down whenever you re-roll. It doesn't really help to make the game easier, it feels like a waste of time just waiting for the enemies to come to you when you roll a 6. Good gameplay and concept though!


There is a bug where if a large group of enemies pushes you against a wall you get pushed into the wall

Found a bug where if you are in the instructions' practice round, then click "I'm ready, for real!", then waste all your bullets and click it again, then everything will stay in slowmotion until you click again.


Good concept! I like how the roll of the dice is somewhat of a dual purpose mechanic, and if you know anything about GMTK, dual purpose mechanics are very cool. My only problem is that it feels unpolished. I think the worst and most notable case of this is that it's hard to tell if you take damage unless you're constantly looking at your health bar, also making damage feel unsatisfying. Maybe a screen shake, some red vignette or a white flash on the player, and knockback would help sell this impact more. Also, the slowdown feels a bit...buggy. It's hard to say exactly why, but I feel like the slowdown is based on my velocity, not my intent to move, so sometimes it's slow even when I want to move fast and vice versa. There were also some other minor issues, eg enemy scaling and crappy ui placement, but overall, I think you did very well!

EDIT: there is a bug where if you dont move but roll 6 bullets and no walking time it stays slo-mo

you gotta shoot the bullets to reload broski

yes, i know, it's just so slow that i'm not able to hit any enemies, because they arent getting close.

then shoot all the bullets into midair


Even after you die or go to the menus it stays slow-mo

Deleted 285 days ago
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it's super fun, challenging, and the art is nice, my only problem, is that the troll doesn't really look like a troll (Also, when you said Unity deleted your file as a joke in the devlog, my heart literally stopped)


I really like the bomb idea. Maybe make the bombs more common or something so that you always have somewhere to go even if you aren't dodging the dice.

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Amazing game! One thing is that when you roll a six the time slows indefinitely because you can't move, I don't know if this is intentional but other then that amazing game!


3180 the one thing that brings this game down is the hitboxes sometimes you roll a six and you see a enemy spawning and the bullets go right through it and sometimes you get hit when you were not touched 

me too lol
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BENBONK is te BEST!!! I LOVE this game, but... Green missing. GREEEEEEEEEN! NO GREEEEEEEEN. Nah! Just joking around! Good job...

760 lets go

Hey that's a cool game! I really enjoyed it!

If you plan to keep developing it, I have some tips:

*Add some visual indication when the bomb damages the enemies

*Show the enemies' current life above their head, not their total life

*Make a bigger map. I found myself stuck when rolling 5 or 6 without room to dodge

*The slow-motion effect seems a bit off. Not sure if it is following the intended mechanic though 

Overall a fun gameplay, well done!

Really interesting concept and great polish! I like that you incorporated the theme into the core gameplay, as well as the enemy design/scaling.

It's a nice little game and quite fun at first, however, it very quickly gets boring due to the fact its incredibly easy, Maybe consider buffing the enemies a lot more, so you have to spend multiple tries getting good instead of completing (Seeing all of the enemies) in your first attempt

honestly i found it pretty hard.

lets go baby 1020 on my first try

(also benbonk game that isnt green wth?? (good game though, i just think some of the enemy hitboxes are a little bit weird))

Having ZQSD or arrow controls would be nice to non wqerty keyboard users


Nice game benbonk! Can't wait to see the video on this :D


420 on first run

420!? Teehee

sadly 420 is my birthday


yes lol

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Wait what

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380 on first run

There should've been a troll face...

so true


It was great working with you again, Ben!

You too!